
No time for cutting your feet neals?... Do it in the office!!

Today I became in shock when I went to one of my workmates to ask him something and I saw that he was cutting his foot neals with a paper clip!!!!!! Disgusting is not enough to describe the feeling that I´ve had!!!

First thing that I did was asking: "Are you cutting your foot neals in the office?" "Are u really cutting them with a paper clip?"

I could not believe it!!! Then I asked if I could take a picture to show it to my friends. And without hesitation and any problem, he asked me why?!!!! Heeeee asssskkkeeeddd mmmmeeee WWWHHHYYYY????!!!!!

I answered that it´s not normal for me (either for my friends!!) to cut the neals in the office... He and his workmates (they are external people that are temporally working in my office) told me that it´s very normal to do it in the office. It helped him to think....

OMG!!!! I cannot believe it!!! Even after I took the picture and I see it!! Never ever I will let him (them) use my keyboard or say "yes" to some food offer from them! And if it´s necessary the first thing, I will ask before what they touched and clean if afterwards!!!!

Here the proof.... :(

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