

I have started to receive mentoring. It´s something that my company offers and I decided to try.

I rolled in one and a half month ago and today I met my mentor.

Criteria to choose him: 

1) It was the oldest
2) He had a very high position
3) He works in a different business as me

Conclusion from previous points: 

1) He has a lot of experience
2) He should have a super wide network
3) He can show me the steps that he has follows due to get that position
4) He will be objective since he does not know anyone from the people whom I work with

All of these is translated into: "He is the one who can help me to direct my professional career".

I did not trust a lot in it and today I went with the thought of: "let´s see if it´s useful and he fulfills my expectations".

I´ve to say that I am surprised and he exceeded them! Honestly, the capacity and speed of thinking, the picture that he has made about me in some minutes, how he explained and connected things from the past to the present and how he has made me concious of some points that I was not aware... UNBELIEVABLE!!!

Today was the first contact. I already have some homeworks to do till next meeting.

Looking forward to meeting him again and see where and what this will bring me.

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