
N-15: Take my 15min Pausa + an extra

In my Company, we are allowed to have 15min pausa.

Since 1,5 years that I have started here, I have rarely take them. But today, I did. Twice (second one I had to clock in).

First one was with one of the person who has helped me here the most. He also rarely makes pausas (and by a long shot 15min!). But he does with me. And unfortunately, he is retired tomorrow.

Second one, I went with two Spanish buddies to count the outside firma logos. I bet for a wrong number of logos and I will have to pay for a lunch.

It could seem a little bit stupid this "treat", but it is something that I am not used to and maybe I should practice more often. In both pausas, I laughed quite a lot with these mates.

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