
Is CONCILIATION valid for everybody or just for some of us?

Since some weeks ago, I have thinking about the famous word that everybody speaks about: "Conciliation". Mainly, this word is used to request a balance between profesional and personal life. But this balance is usually focused to people who have children.

My question is: why do not we speak about concilation also for people without children? do not we have parents, siblings or "someone/something" that needs our time and dedication? Even if it´s just to enjoy our hobbies... do not we have the right to be able to work and have time to make what makes us happy in our personal life?... It seems that "Concilation" is just valid for people with children.

But I do not stop here... I go further and because of it, I would like that my friends/followers give their opinion about this topic.

I was having lunch 2 weeks ago with some of my workmates: 1 guy and 2 women.

The man started to explain that his wife WAS NOT ALLOWED to take holidays in August because her workmates had children and her baby was not in the school-age.

I opened my eyes like plates and politely ask to repeat again because I thought that I had not correctly understand. I was wrong... my hearing worked properly: HIS WIFE WAS NOT ALLOWED TO TAKE HOLIDAYS BECAUSE THE BABY WAS NOT IN SCHOOL-AGE AND PEOPLE WITH CHILDREN IN SCHOOL-AGE HAVE PRIORITY TO TAKE HOLIDAYS.

Obviously, I was scandalized and indignant. Why someone with children has priority over me to take holidays just for the simple fact of having children?????  Do not we call it "discrimination"? Can a boss really say: you cannot take holidays at this time because your workmate with children in school-age has priority?

Sorry???!!!??!!! Are we in centuri XXI or in the stone age?

The most shock for me was that it was normal for them!! Of course, I started a debate because I did not understand it (somehow, I already knew, that it was not going to be possible).

Arguments from my colleagues: 

1) Schools are closed so they are mandatory holidays for children

2) Children are not self-sufficient and they need the parents to take care of them

3) People without children are more flexible and they can organize better their holidays (in the case that I want to spend my holidays with my mother, sister or any friend)

4) People without children need to understand the needs of the children (and their parents)

My arguments: 

1) There are companies that also close in a fixed month --> that will not allowed that for example, my sister takes holidays any other month when the children from my teammates have school

2) We can have someone in our family (parents, siblings, grandparents, etc.) that have a disease or a handicap and they are also not self-sufficient and need from our help.

3) People with children can also be flexible - they can leave the children with any familiar, contract any baby-sitter or enroll the children in a summer school or camp or whatever

4) People with children could understand the needs of the people (or their family) without children

5) To have children is a personal option that have not been checked with the rest of the teammates without children. So, if they have "a problem", why should they transfer that "issue" to people without children if they have not chosen them? People without children but with parents did not have any choice... so, we have parents because they chosen and now, maybe, we need to take care of them. We do not transfer "any problem" to the people with children as a result of "the personal option of having parents because we did not decide it"

The holidays-priority to people with children is an unwritten-rule but a rule that I, theoretically, must assume.

Now, I would really read/know your opinion. And mayyyyybbbbeeeeee I get to understand this "unwritten-rule but rule".

Thanks in advance!!!!!!

PS: One of the answer to my argument #5 was that they also decide to have children to help the State and to have someone who can pay our retirement.... buttttttt until my knowledge, I´m already pay for those children who are not mine and nobody has checked with me to have them and ask me if I want to pay or not for them

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