
I´ve to say that I do not really understand some kind of management and some ways of working (including management and not management).

Also, I do not understand why it´s said that people from Germany, Switzerland, Finland, Sweden, UK and this kind of countries work better than Spain, Italy or Portugal... 

Why? Why are they more productive than Spanish? Why do Spanish have the fame of being lazy people? Do you really think that Spanish sleep siesta every day?

If you think like that... you are wrong.

1) The most lucky Spanish people work 8 hours/day. They are the minority. The most of us work more than 8 hours/day.

2) Normally, Spain has a nice weather which wakes us up the feeling of going out after work and drink/eat something with your friends, colleagues, family, etc. It´s done when we finish hour laboral day.

3) Spanish people have the same working time as the rest of the Nordic and "super-mega-productive" countries (from now "cold countries"): enter at 8:00 and leave at 15:00 (public jobs - depend from the State. Even, some of them more sometimes: doctors, teachers, researchers, etc.). Or more than 8 hours the most of the days for the most of the private companies. 

4) Spanish people know the meaning of "deadline". 

5) Spanish people do not quick at 14 or 15 in the afternoon to go home for sleeping siesta. No. We normally don´t have siesta. We work. (In some companies, the working hours are longer in winter to "try" to make possible to leave the office at 15:00 in Summer (enter time: 8:00) because in some cities is quite hot). "Try" because at the end, in the most of the cases, is not possible.

6) Overtime?? Sure!! Paid? No in the most of the cases. 

7) Breaks during work? No more than people from other countries.

Now, having a look at what I see in Switzerland, and according to my experience working with people from almost 18 different nationalities, I can say. 

1) No Spanish people are not productive than us. There are excellent workers, good workers, right workers, bad workers, mediocre workers, and workers that are a waste of space (like in Spain).

2) Despite of the weather, Swiss people go out as much as Spanish do. The only difference is that they start drinking at 16:30 in the afternoon, and Spanish start about 20:30-21:00 or even 22:00.

3) No Spanish people, the most of them, at least in the "cold countries" "work" exactly 8 hours. If they come in the office at 7:30 and have an hour for lunch, they leave at 16:30 religiously. 

4) If the deadline cannot be achieved... Don´t worry. The fault is always from someone else. The planning is delayed and that´s it. Maybe it´s true that in Spain we take easy, at the beginning, the things... but although if it´s at the last minute, we understand deadline. And if you don´t have it, you are the unique responsible.

5) They think more in the siesta than Spanish people. Even, in Manila, they have a pillow in the office to take a short nap after lunch and then continue with their work.

6) They don´t know what´s the meaning of "overtime". And if they do, it´s because it´s compensated (holidays/paid).

7) The "Break" here is quite funny. They make break for: breakfast, lunch, sport, afternoon snack and some coffess between all of them. For someone who arrives to the office at 8:00, this means: 

- 8:00 - 8:15 (minimum): Breakfast --> 8:30 if you smoke
- 8:15 - 9:00: Read your emails and organize your job (???). It´d be nice, but the most of them read the news, surfing a little bit in google...
- 9:00 - 9:15/9:30: Take one more coffee with the people who come in the office at this time and comment the last news that they have read --> 9:30 if the cigarrete is included
- 9:15/9:30: time for working, have some meetings, some conference, check with workmates some issue that bothers them...
- 10:30: Time for one more cigarrete or going to the kitchen to check who is there and chat a little bit.
- 11:30/12: Time for going lunch (1hour minimum) or jogging (almost 1 hour). 
- 13.15: Coming back from lunch and smoke and then, try to work a little bit. OR time for lunch for the people who was jogging.
- 14:15/14:30: Traditional coffee after-lunch and some more chatting.
- 14:45: A little bit stress because the day is almost off and there are almost 2 hours to finish some tasks...
- 15:30/15:45: One more coffe/cigarrete to have the last conversation of the day with your colleagues.
- 16:45/17: Time for leaving (dinner time!!).

----- Can you now, please, tell me how many real hours this people work?

Yes... you will tell me that they should do something that Spanish don´t do to be productive, to have the country in super-perfect conditions, to have a very good quality of life, etc. etc. etc. 

You are right... they do something that Spanish people don´t do... THEY LOVE THEMSELVES!! THEY KNOW TO SELL THEMSELVES!!! However, in Spain, the big problem is that we value more the "International product" than the "National Product". And I am 100% convinced, that "cold countries" are not much better than we are... There are good Spanish workers, and bad Spanish workers; people who go to the office to spend the time during 8 hours and stay in the office until 22:00 at night just to show that "they have a lot of work" (sorry? You don´t have a lot of work. You have not done your work in 8 hours and because of that you must stay longer to do something and justify that you came to the office). And in the same way, all this people are in all the rest of countries. Managers? Good and bad managers. Way of management? Do what I say but not what you see from me... I have found it here as well... and I am proud of the managemente that I have known in Spain. Spanish are very well trained people and WE WORTH IT! And because of it, we are really appreciated abroad.



All of them have been my workmates/bosses in Spain. All of them, great professionals

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