Finally I got the interview that I was made by the Journalist Mercedes Navarrete. I´m really happy of the result (it´s not my best pic... but the only I had were "Party night pictures" and they needed a pic in any typical place in Zürich).
I have receive many messages from many people (even though, people that I didn´t speak for years!) and all of them have been really nice.
Some people said that I´m very lucky... they are right. But it´s not good luck what I have. There is also a lot of work and a lot of sacrifice.
The first time I left my home was when I was 22 years old (almost 23) when I decided to go to Germany for Erasmus.
I went to Germany with my Spanish, my written English (if we can call it like that) and 1 intensive month of German where the only things I could speak were: "Main name is Pilar and ich komme aus Spanien"... some numbers and that was all.
The first 3 months were really difficult: different country, different habits, no clue about Languages, new people, one Project of career to do!!... and all the things, that if you have been abroad, you already know.
Sundays were the most difficult days. It was the day dedicated to "be sat in front of my computer and cry".
At the end, instead of 9 months as it was planned, I spent 18 months in Cottbus (Germany). As you can see, I adaptated and I became really happy there as well! (although my family was in Spain).
I did great friends (still today we are in contact!). I got an excellent mark in my Final Project of Career. I got to "speak a kind of English" (mainly learned from my Bulgarian Tuthor - Arnold Schwarzenegger II (I will try to find some pic of him and post it)). I learned more words in German "Das gefällt mir. Wie viel kostet das?. Ich esse kein Gemüse"... Even though, "das" is still my most used word to refer to anything and everything.
I moved directly from Germany to Madrid to work in a Company where I discover what I was really going to do the same day that I arrived and I signed the contract off (once I was there, I had to sign!!). This work was for programming in Cobol (me?? programming? Cobol? - "Who was Cobol?").
Obviously, after 3 weeks, Bosses were quite intelligent and they realized that they coudn´t have any expectations in me. It was impossible that I programmed sth different to a "loop". So, they decided to send to me to Scotland (Edimbugh and Glasgow). Fortunately, I went with other two girls (also a "zero" programming and also Chemical Engineers. Coincidence?... and a guy who said "miau" (like the cats) when he didn´t know what to say.
We met "somehow scotish" workmates and they were nice. We had really fun with them... even though when they turned on the air conditioning at 15 - 20ºC when the outside temperature were 25ºC and they were really sweating!!! ... No comments ;)
After two months in Scotland living like rich, I was fired off and came back to Madrid to search a new work.
I found a work in an Inmobilien Company. The first morning when it was supposed I was going to start there, I arrived and said: "Good mornig and sorry, I reject the work because I´m going to do an interview right now for a different Company". (At least... I went to communicate the news face to face).
I went to Accenture (I was late!) and I did the different tests. I passed them and they took me for the training. The training lasted 2 moths. During these two months, I worked like Promoter making cards for "Cortefiel" (cloth store) to women. I earned 125€ per month and I had to work 5 days per week during 5 hours. I was well paid, wasn´t I?
I passed the training and I started to work in Accenture (then I stopped my superwork with the cards).
And this is how I started my life in Madrid for 6 years.
After 2.5 years in Accenture, I went to Vestas with a temporal contract, and at the same time I started a Master Degree ("Supply Chain Management" - paid by me). I had classes every two weeks: Fridays from 16 to 22 and Saturdays from 10 to 15.
It was not really easy because I had to study and I did many overtime during the week. But I had a temporal contract and:
1) I needed to work (I liked it and I needed the money)
2) I had to study because the Spanish situation began to be a little bit weird and people started to studay (mainly the people who didn´t have any job). I couldn´t be behind them.
After 2 years in Vestas, I got the permanent contract!!! No salary increasing but I got ticket restaurants!! (I think that it made me happier than if I would have a salary increased. To go to a restaurant and eat a lot, spend a lot of money and pay with "paper" like in the Monopoly was sooo cool!!!!). And I finished my Master (my group got the prize to the best Master Final Project).
8 months later I got my permanent contract, I was contacted by 3 different Swiss Companies (I was not searching for any job. I was happy with my 3 bosses and the work I did...) via Linkedin.
I never thought about Switzerland! Neither for holidays (soooo expensive! It was like an European country but nothing else... Chocolate, watches and luxury!). Something really unaffordable. So, why to think about it?).
I passed two of these interviews. One of them I rejected because I was going to do the same as I was doing and only because of the money, I didn´t think it was a great idea (also, I had started to look for buying a flat in Madrid). I went a little bit further with the other interview. I accepted to come to Switzerland and listen to this people.
I was late because the address I had was wrong and I arrived with a "black eye" as well because I hit my eye with my luggage handle. As you can see, I had all the requirement for being hired.
Interview was good but they wanted someone technical and I was not. So, they took the best option, contract to a different person. I was fully agree.
But after one and a half month they called me again offering a position in Business. So, we could start speaking again.
It was interesting... but it meant a new change (big change) and challenge in my life that I had to weigh up if it would worth it or not.
I didn´t say it to anyone (only to my mother and sister, but they didn´t express their opinion). I decided by myself and only when all papers were signed off by me and send to the new Company, I started to communicat it to the different people I had to. It was a surprise for everyone...
I have written all of this not because I am complaining... Please, do not misunderstood me. You are right when you say that I have been lucky because opportunities have come to me. But it´s not really easy to take this kind of decision, and of course, behind "this luck", there is always effort. And not only from my side, above all from my mother's side, my sister's side, my friend's side, school & univeristy teachers, and of course, my bosses and workmates that all of them, without any exception, have helped me to get what I have and what I am like a person, and like a professional.
I do not know where I will finish... but I do not care. I am happy and it´s what I would like to continue being wherever I am and whatever I do.
So, Thank you very much to all people who has helped me to be where I am.
This time, specially to Laura Ubago (one of my school friends - I think we know each other since we are 4 years old!!). She was the one who thought on my to make this interview and to her workmate, Mercedes Navarrete, the one who has written this article about me.
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