
120 Days

Some people makes new goals at the beginning of the year. Some other people makes them in September (after Summer)... Some makes both of them and other ones, suddendly, makes them when they feel they should/can.

I belong to all these groups:

1) I do a list after new Year
2) I have my revision in the middle of the Year
3) I make new list when I foresee the chance to get something really challenge and important

(Because of that, some of my friends call me "the list girl" - the most of time a list for everything).

My head is continiously thinking about new opportunities, new ideas which allow me to progress as in my personal life as in my professional life.

This new plan embraces for both of them.

I have 120 days to get something. If I do, I will be allowed to do something that I have been thinking about during exactly the last 3 weeks.


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