
"Walking Day"

From Bellevue to Wollishofen: 3,0 Km
From Wollishofen to Bellevue: 3,0 Km
From Bellevue to Lindenhof: 0,8 Km
From Lindenhof to the "river bath": 2,1 Km
From "river bath" to Limmatplatz: 0,2 Km
From Limmaplatz to Bellevue: Tram :)
From Bellevue to Chinese Garden: 1,4 Km
From Chinese Garden to the tram: 0,5 Km
From my tram stop to home: 0,17 Km

Total: 11,17 Km!!

1 comentario:

  1. amazing picture)
    Follow each other?
