
Could you splitt off from somebody whom you have never been with?

One friend of mine asked me yesterday: "do you think that someone can splitt off from anyone if they have never been together?"... At the beginning, I did not know what to answer... Today, I would anwer “yes, it can happen sometimes”.

As follows the story:

My friend knew "Mr. Big" 4 years ago. Mr. Big was friend of one colleague from her. The first time, when they met each other, Mr. Big looked at her several times, but they did not speak until he was almost left when he decided to ask for her messenger address (no phone number!). After some days, he wrote to her an email.

From that moment, emails, sms’s, chats... were exchanged. The curious thing was that Mr. Big told her that he wanted to date... but he never could. He always had got the perfect excuse... but the real reason was that he had girlfriend!!!.

1st question: If Mr. Big had gf, why did he show some kind of interest on my friend?

During that time, she broke up with her boyfriend and just started with a new bf when he was free.

More Emails, chats, sms’s were exchanged.

Mr. Big started somehow a “relationship” with a new girl. But according to him, it was not anything serious.

Finally, after almost 3 years (maybe a little bit more) my friend and Mr. Big dated!!!! Yes! They got it! They went to the cinema and for some drinks. It seemed the evening ran well until Mr. Big’s phone started ringing, ringing and ringing. Who was? His “loving no-girlfriend”. Phone wasn’t stop ringing!! So, my friend got tired because of this unconfortable situation and she decided to stop the date. And of course, he went to the place where his “loving no-girlfriend” was waiting for him.

2nd question: If he was, in some way, interested in my friend, why did he answer every call? why didn't he switch off her mobile-phone?

More Emails, chats, sms’s... speak about future dates that never came... and suddenly he started with a new girlfriend (this one a formal gf). This did not mean the end of those emails, chats or sms’s. But of course, Mr. Big began to use the old excuses to avoid any date. Even thought, he started to reject some calls and not return them.

Well... a few nights ago they were chatting (again) about the feelings and what (probably) happens between both of them. Mr. Big told her that he had fun with her the day when they met... but he was/is not sure about how to manage the situation when he was with her. He thinks that she is complicated and rude sometimes, but on the other hand... he (and she) knows that there is something special between them. It cannot be affection (they do not know each other), it cannot be friendship (they have not been friends), it cannot be love... but...
3rd question: What could it be???????? What is that “something” between them that makes that some of them come back to the other?

4th question: If both of them had fun in the date, why did nobody call to the other one?

After 4 years and 2 moths, this “strange and bizarre relationship” has reached its end. He did not agreed but he respected her decision.

5th question: Why does he want to keep the contact? Does it make any sense?

My friend thought that it does not make any sense. Maybe some close day, maybe in the distant future Mr. Big decides to appear again.

Last question: What will you think it will happen?

After this story, do you think it is possible to splitt off from somebody whom you have had nothing with?

2 comentarios:

  1. Such a difficult answer...but I guess so...you can always split off a no-relationship, affair or whatever you want to call it. And the most of the times is the best decision since the fact it hasen't been built after more than 4 years means a lot!

  2. I totally agree with you!! and as we say: "quien quiera peces, que se moje el culo" :P
    Kissssseeessss Crisss!!!
