
29 Years Old: Welcome!

Yes, I am 29 years old... very serious, isn't it?

Yesterday was my birthday and it was surprisingly unexpected. Many people posted "Happy B-day" messages, I received calls and sms... and emails from people that although they are really far away, they remembered me!! Isn't it great? Oh, yes, it does be!!

The most unexpected surprise came from my workmates. Not because of the gifts (... they were brilliant!!) but because of the gesture.

When I went into Vestas 1,5 years ago, I "decided" (it's right... I decided) not having any friend. I chose to have only workmates, to have a kind relationship with them but anything else. I hardly tried but at the end, step by step, day by day... people has proved me that I was totally wrong.

They have demonstrated me that they are kind, noble and generous people... They have provided me more affection and love that I have... and although it seems really mean, this detail, this organization about preparing everything without I notice... this team-work have made me think about my behaviour with them... and definitively, I must be more generous with them and instead of wasting my energy in complaining every day about almost everything, I have to invest my energy in my workmates and be kinder and helpful with them.

So, I´m really happy about how my 29 years old has arrived to my life... because they have came sorrounded by the best people they could!

1 comentario:

  1. Hard to believe, that with all the generosity you have, u decided just having workmates... thank God, u have changed your mind :) and i'm included there!!
