There are some people who swears they have got many FRIENDS. I don't belong to that kind of people.
In my case, I know many many many people, I have many friends and I have only a few FRIENDS.
It's strange, but lately I think about it much often. I noticed that to take care of my friends started when I went from the school to the University (I was until my 18 years old in a school and not in a high school). I spent my last University year of Erasmus in Germany and honestly, I have kept only one friend from this stage. During my 18 months of Erasmus I knew many sorts of people: interesting people, bored people, smart people, retrograde people, snobbish people, conservative people, open-minded people, "green-thinking" people, people from differnt countries... and when my Erasmus finished and I moved to Madrid to started working I knew more people in my new and first company, in my second company... and now in my third company. I have knows friends of friends, people whom I've seen and been only once with, roommates, people whom I have to work punctually...
Curiously, at the moment, reflecting, I realized than I have most FRIENDS I ever thought and I feel so lucky.
We don´t write to each one every day, we don´t call each other every day, we don´t exchange emails every day... but when I need to see them them, when I go to home, when I call them, when I visit them... they are always available for me with a very big smile and a huge hug for me.
I have lost many of those people, but the people I still have I must say: "Thanks for being as you are because all of you, as fas as possible, have contributed to I try every day to be a best person and make me my days easier.
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