

The great majority of hairdressers have got the same bad habit: every time they see long hair... they feel the need of cutting everything what they can!!!! although you ask you only want a couple of fingers.

My hairdresser always did what I asked, for that reason, I have been always faithful to her.

When I spent 18 months in Germay, I always waiting for coming back to Granada and visit her. After 4 years in Madrid, I have never gone to some of the hairdresser's saloon I have seen... and some of them had got a very good looking.

But yesterday, after almost 12 years, my hairdresser felt that horrible habit and did it! Oh my God, you cannot imagine how much I wished to cry after checking I did not nearly have hair on my head!!!! Yes, she did the same as the other hairdressers do!!!!!!

Now I have got a great dilemma: should I give to her another chance or I may look for a new hairdresser? At the moment, the second option is the one who comes to my mind...

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