
Do not idealize anyone. 

"You can put lipstick on a pig, but it´s still a pig"

What is what you think that it´s the "perfect life"?

1) Health (for you and your lovely ones)
2) Be sorrounded yourself with people who accept you like you are
3) Have a job that makes me "to want more" in a daily basis
4) To earn enough money that support a living place, food, clothe (shoes, accessories, etc) and share
    it with some others

--> Regarding point 3) - In my case it´s a job that:
1) I enjoy with the daily tasks
2) Daily giving and learning
3) A role model Manager
4) Allow you to work from anywhere
5) Have the power to take decisions
6) Workmates whom support to and who support you

PS. Knocking on wood!!!!!!
Your life is very good.
I´d like to have your life.
If I would be able to come back, I´d do the same as you.
You have freedom.
You know how to enjoy life.

How many times have you hored that from people who is married and/or have children?

Hundreds? Thousands? Millions?

Right... and when they have the chance of having it, they choose again the previous life that they had.

But sometimes it´s worst. They not only come back to "their previous lives", the ones that they were not happy with, but even they accept in their new lives all the things that they critized earlier and they were unacceptable.

Isn´t it ironic? These kind of people go round and round.

And what is the result? They will get the same type of life that they had.

Conclussion: do not complain about what you get. You get what you choose.