
Do it or not do it? take it or not take it?
(Consulting with Miguelito)


Make your bed well every morning

Last Thursday, I met in the train to a workmate that I like to talk to him. He has at the momento a kind of "boomerang" in his life and not everything is going as he wishes.

But he told me: "Since you wake up, you need to put effort in make things well. That means, start doing your bed correctly. In this way, it does not matter what happens during the rest of the day. When you go to bed at night, you will see that at least, you did something right and you´ll sleep with that positive feeling and the intention of trying to make it better the next morning".

It´s stupid!! but it completely makes sense.

It does not matter how the things are going during the day, but make your bed in the right way and you´ll know that at least you did one thing correctly.


Yesterday, I was able to throw away a big quantity of shoes + handbags!!!!!!!! This is a great achievement. I had them ready for the garbage since June but till now, I could not.

We´re still in January. For new "stuffs", we need to have space. The only way of having it, it´s put away all old and unnecessary things that we do not use anymore. It´s the only way of see the new ones and leave them the space that they need in order to bright.



... to work. Yes, this week has been the first one after my longest holidays since years ago. My head has not been completely focused in all the things that are pending to be done. Motivation? cero!!!!

Yesterday Friday, my subconcious played with me.

In the morning early, I was sooooooo tired and I was sooooo good in bed, that after I changed my alarm o´clock 4 times, I finally was able to get up. I knew that I was going to be later than normally in the office (usually, I´m there at 7:30, when not at 8:00). But I was quite slow doing all my things... so, I assumed that I was going to be 30min later as planned. It was still a good time to be there. What I did not consider was to take the wrong train.

I checked as usual the platform of my train. I saw very clear the number. I went straight there. I sat down and waited for it. When it came, I went up, sat down again and started to write to a friend.

When the train stopped (1st stop), I went down and suddently, that station was not familiar to me. Not at all. Well, I was not where I pretended. How did it happen? No clue... It should be the same case as when I took the wrong plane and finished in Paris instead of Madrid.

I arrived to the office at 10:00. My office decided not to work... and I could not really finish (or try) all the backlog emails that I still have. Lucky day, wasn´t it? :)

Now, I can really say that:

1) I have taken the wrong plane
2) I have taken the wrong bus
3) I have taken the wrong tram
4) I have taken the wrong train

The question is: when will I take the wrong boat? - Looking forward to discovering it!


ONE DAY LIKE TODAY... it started



It´s a nightmare!!!!! I do not understand how people who is working in shops are not able to process the tax free and everytime that they have to:

a) Poker face in mode-on
b) Answer: we do not do tax free

After insisting:

a) Start having issues with the pc
b) Calling during several and several minutes to different people
c) Saying that the law has changed, that the way of doing it is different, etc.
d) After ca. 30 min insisting and insisting, they are able to do it under client`s instructions


365 Days = 365 Opportunities

Any time in the year is good to start new projects and have new goals.

Honestly, at the moment I do not have quite a lot ahead. When I was doing yesterday night my wish list, I realized that the list has reduced considerably during the last years.

At the beginning, I was able to write 2 pages with things that I wished and no wished. But yesterday, one was enough to complete the "wishes to be fulfilled" and just an a half for the ones that I do not wish. The second one was surprisingly very fast done!

This year, I will start something with my family. I do not know if we will be sucessful but at least, it will be funny for sure.

This together with some other wishes that I asked yesterday will be the beginning of the 2018.

Let´s the start begins!!!!