2017 has been a carousel. Sometimes up, sometimes down. And sometimes I have just gone round and round. The ride was sometimes funny. Sometimes a pain in the ass.
I had many many great things that I have enjoyed and I am very grateful for them. Some others, I will have to learn how to manage them and make the ride easier.
About the things that I have experienced with gratitude are:
1) Health. This can sound very typical, but it´s honestly the most important
2) Spend more time with my family
3) Having travelled quite a lot and known very nice places
4) Having met some old friends that I haven´t seen since min. 10 years
5) Be able to know what I expect from my work and to say NO very clear
6) Met my mentor. Withouth her support, the "down" times would be more difficult
7) Small acts means a lot for others. I am just remembering once that I paid less than 1chf to two little ladies (maybe 10-11 years max.) in the supermarket. They wanted some sweets but didn´t have enough money and they had to choose which one to leave. When I paid, their smiles was sooo big!!!! Never ever I received that kind of smile and so many thanks in unison.
8) When I have "made something" for some other person, I felt happy. Even, people support. For example, my company makes the "paper stars" on the Xmas tree. Volunteers had to take any of them and make sure that that child would receive the xmas gift that he/she wished. I took two of them. One of my friends wanted to contribute. It was funny to go and try to find the gifts in different shops (even if I felt a little bit of panic when I thought that one of them was not possible). One of my workmates gave me the pink papers that I needed; Repro made the copy of my design; another workmate corrected my "German"; a third workmate went with me (and then alone) to pick the big Unicorn for one of the children. This was without any doubt, a gift with a lot of volunteers.
9) To learn the real meaning of "patience": "it´s not the ability to wait but the ability to keep a good attitude while waiting"
10) Family is the most important and precious diamond that someone can have. And I am extremely lucky for the one that I have
There are some left hours for this 2017. Let´s enjoy them and welcome the new year with the arms well opened.
HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!! (and good luck for the ones who eat the 12 lucky grapes!)