S. Valentine's Day
Well, today is the day where people in love show their love everywhere: train stations, restaurants, romantic dinners at home, street, emails/sms...
Some people think that "Lover Day" should be any day and not a specific day. Why? According to them, Love should be shown everyday and not just one day per year.
I agree with them... but what is wrong about to have an official day for love? I like it and not because I have boyfriend. In fact, along all my life, I only remember 3 S. Valentine's day with boyfriend (and I would say, that some of them, were "in the distance").
There is nothing wrong with today. And neither with people who are single.
For me, S. Valentine's Day is the day of love. Love can be with your boyfriend, family, friends, workmates. Because of this, Single people can celebrate this day in the same way. And even though, I think, we have advantages. Here some of them:
1) You do not need to go to any restaurant and pay for an expensive dinner (x2). If you decide to go to a restaurant, it´ll be easier to find a place just for one person than for two.
2) You do not need to wait and see what your bf/gf has bought you. If his/her present will be best/worst than yours. If he/she will like the gift that you have bought. It´s simple: love yourself and buy to you what you like.
3) If you decide to watch a film, you can choose the one you much like. It does not matter how many times you have already watched that movie.
4) Your family, friends... and some "secret admirer" can send to a nice message (you´ll feel the butterflies that many couples do not have anymore).
5) To be Singles is your option. This means that you are happy being single. Otherwise, go out and pick whoever you
want can (although you are not in love) and have a relationship (there are many people who say that they are a couple but in the real life they are not happy).
6) If you are single, you have more availability to decide which of the invitations you receive you would like to accept ("variety is the spice").
have received will receive (when I go to Spain) some presents from my mother and sis (every year we buy sth for each other). Today I receive a message wishing me a "Happy S. Valentine" from someone unexpected (nice gesture) and a colleage from work (girl) gave me the below note (I gave to her another one too).
I am not saying that be single is the best... It´s ok to have bf as well. But if you are single, enjoy it!!!
Happy S. Valentine's Day to everybody!!!!!
FYI: I have spent my S. Valentine's evening with my Insurance Agent checking the Health + Third + Flat Insurances for next year. Afterwards, pijama, pony-tail and dinner (I´m the only invited). Now blog and try to finish the book I´m reading.
I was really surprised today when some people with serious/long relationships did not know that today was S. Valentine's day. I was shocked!! And some of them knew it and just today they went to try to find sth for present. Amazing, isn´t it? - I, honestly, prefer my current status!!