
Rituals for New Year's Eve

Before eating the 12 grapes:

- Eat lentils for lunch
- Have dinner with 3 ribbons (red, yelow & green) across the table
- Have dinner with 3 lighted candles (red, yelow & green)
- Peel the 12 grapes and take out the pits

During you eat the 12 grapes:

- No laughs
- Red underwear
- Gold inside the Champagne glass
- List with the bad things under your left foot
- List with your good wishes under your right foot
- List with 12 wishes to be read while you eat the grapes
- Opened windows and doors
- All house lights on
- Precious stone in a water glass with salt
- Small mirror at the window during all night
- Eat the 12 grapes been based on your right foot
- Eat the 12 grapes with the 12 strokes

After eating the 12 grapes:

- Kiss and hug the family and wish them a Happy New Year
- Drink a little bit of champagne
- Go out for a walk with a suitcase if you want to travel next year
- Burn the list with the 12 "bad no wishes"
- Send sms's and call some friends (if you have not done it before)
- Cut out and sew the 3 ribbons in small piece to keep them with you during the New Year
- Eat 1 spoonful of lentil (it should be the first food you eat in the New Year)
My 10 Top Songs Of 2010

1. Black Eyed Peas - The Time (Dirty Bit)
2. Enrique Iglesias & Juan Luís Guerra - Cuando Me Enamoro
3. Enrique Iglesias ft. Nicole Scherzinger - Heartbeat
4. Coldplay - Viva La Vida
5. Lady Gaga - Bad Romance
6. Agnes - Release Me
7. Rihanna - Don't Stop The Music
8. Robert Ramírez - Sick Of Love
9. Robert Ramírez - I'm A Number
10. David Guetta & Chris Willis ft. Fergie & LMFAO - Gettin' Over You


Looks para Nochevieja

En dos noches estaremos ante la entrada al nuevo año... y junto a él la gran fiesta de celebración.

Si eres chica, por favor, no dejes de visitar el siguiente link donde aparecen varios consejos y trucos para ir divina la noche del 31 de diciembre.

Ideas para peinados: http://www.youtube.com/garnierspain?gclid=CPiA6qvekqYCFUYifAodmBQfjg#p/c/0EBF9BE5262213AE/1/hUCyrDmDX44

Yo me quedo con el look "Diva" y el "peinado roquero liso con tupé".

(Via: http://www.maybelline.es/WHAT_S_NEW/look_femme_fatale.aspx?gclid=COzh_Z_bkqYCFcUOfAodUFOAjA)


My 8 Top Best Dressed of 2010

(Via: Elle - The Best Dressed of 2010)


New Outfits

- For Winter:

- For Winter - afternoons:

- For Spring:

Who Should Cut My Hair?

I´m thinking about cutting my hair... but I´m not sure if I should go to my usual hairdresser or try with a new one.

I have a lot of hair and it's not easy to cut it, but lately my hairdresser has not get the exact haircut I desired. She understands my style and at the end the cut is OK... but... should I try with a new one?

The new one cut my sis's hair quite well last time. For that reason I´m thinking about changing.

I have two weeks to think about it but it's not an easy decision.

What would you do if you were I?



"Christmas is the time of giving and sharing. It is the time of loving and forgiving. And to feel the Joy and Happiness of being Loved and to be Loved. May this Christmas be a Joyous one as You Ever Had!! Merry Christmas!!!!".


Thursday Night With My "Roomies"

First Dinner with my roommates: Marta and Virginia.

We went to dinner at 22.15 to Mood (nice restaurant and good balance between price-quality). When we finished eating and we were goint go pay the bill a drunk Lady entered in the place and she started shouting and offending to all people we were there.

It was not nice... but it was comic. When the police arrived and they invieted her to go with them, the Lady took her leather winter coat and she followed them without saying any word.

After that, we went to Larios, a disco we had never been before. It was nice (at the end better than at the beginning) and the music was quite good.

... Funny night!


Und wenn ein Lied...



Taking decisions sometimes is difficult... and these decisions will surely mark the rest of your life.

How do you know which one you should choose?

Please, help!!!

Hello all my readers (I know some of you read my blog sometimes although you are not as a "follower").

Today or tomorrow, maybe, we have an unexpected visit from a Finnish guy.

Some of you know the habits from Finnish people?... well, if you don´t, I will tell you:

1. Finnish people have got special clothes in order to put up with the "super-mega-minus" temperature. This clothes is like Astronaut clothes.

(via: http://www.chessbase.com/espanola/newsdetail2.asp?id=7467)

2. It does not matter if it's day of gym or not... Finnish people only take a shower every 3 days. It's more!! after the gym they use deororant to promote their smell.

Can you believe it? ... Ok... don´t do it!!! It's only done by a friend of mine :P


Loving shiny X-mas Stars!


Nothing to Envy... They Are Like Us (Sometimes Worst)

Next big trip... Santorini?


X-mas List (without ordering)

1. New and good work contract
2. Beautiful dresses
3. Some pair of shoes
4. Nike running trainers
5. Rolex Watch
6. Sport clothes
7. New mobile
Will They Be My New Running Trainers?